Spiritual Mentoring

From Victim to Victorious - Trauma-Based Mind Control Clearing | Energy Alignment | Spiritual Mentoring Program
(formerly Waking Gods & Goddesses—Embodying Divine Wisdom & the Sensual Life Program)

This Spiritual Mentoring Program utilises all Trauma as Gateways to Waking Up aka Spiritual Awakening.
Wielding the wisdom of the Divine within you, through Absolute Balanced Mastery™ —the cutting edge, trauma-dissolving | energy aligning | healing technology, pioneered by Marja West in 1988, this powerful modality deprograms all trauma-based | lack-based mind control and aligns: Heart (feelings, emotions), Mind (thoughts, beliefs which are practised thoughts), and Body (action, active stillness aka nonaction) with your True Divine Nature as Infinite Loving Awareness and Consciousness having a human experience.
BM is powered by a comprehensive methodology that engages a precise and simplest form of kinesiology and addresses the entirety of the Human Energy Field and physical body:
Auric Field
Chakra System
Meridian System
In addition to inquiries into one’s limiting:
tribal/religious/educational/pop-culture-societal mind-control constructs
past experiences
traumas in the current life
as well as past and/or composite/future timelines
The Initiation, Application, and Mastery of Reality Creation:
own your Power of Creativity: You are here to move Formless into Form which is activated outside of the Matrix through Desire
honour and master your Emotional Guidance System: Know that your emotions and feelings navigate you to your well-being and everything you’ve desired and more
clean up your Vibration to Master Manifesting
activate and engage your *Superpower of Focus* to support your ever-becoming and ever-evolving True Divine Nature as the Creator of Your Reality.
learn to stop Facing Reality… *What is* is old news. The Power of Now is that it's over.
understand the difference between Creating Your Own Reality versus the mind control of in the Matrix New Age Bullshit | New Thought Programs of getting stuck in *What is* and *Facing up to Reality*
embrace your creativity and cultivate your personal desires and dreams; your highest aspirations.
practice the Art of Allowing, Law of Acceptance so as to not invoke excess potential energies and balancing forces that will come wreck your shit.
become truly Selfish which is: the Vibrational Alignment with Self aka Source Energy | Divine | God-Goddess-All-That-Is
No topic is off-limits. All are met with respect and compassion.
This work is deep and intensive, requiring an intimate personal inquiry into one’s True Divine Nature through the suggested practice of journaling (then burning), and allowing fun through a great sense of discovery, humour, and play.
To further enhance the power of journaling and writing exercises, the practice and mastery of Exiting the Matrix & Reality Creation are incorporated in this fast-track to fully waking up, and becoming fully aware of what you are up to from moment to moment to moment so that you care more about feeling good and your well-being, rather than what other’s think of you. No longer stuck in the Matrix, you are free from all its scripts and mind-controlled programs.
Sessions are in person or by phone/Skype/Zoom and are 75-90 minutes long, allow for up to two hours.
Please note: Due to our limited availability, all sessions are prepaid. We have a non-negotiable 48-Hour Cancellation Policy. There are no refunds or make-ups for missed appointments.
Tuition for this is Prepaid in Full and include bonus sessions. Special arrangements for instalment plans are available.
This program is offered in these time blocks, and is renewable at the same tuition rate:
1. Short - Six Months
2. Medium - 12 Months
3. Long - 18 Months
Please inquire about your tailor-made program and specific PayPal Payment instructions (within US and International) details via email: DakiniKiss@gmail.com
NOTE OUR DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, therapist or counsellor. I am a spiritual mentor and energy healing facilitator. With direct assistance from your True Divine Self and your body's intelligence, I help show you *How To* heal yourSelf from your traumas and abuse, so you can transform your life and evolve from *Victim to Victorious.* This work engages the Heart-Mind-Body-Soul Coordination approach to wellness that is immensely valuable and complementary to traditional psychotherapy. I recommend that you do your own research/due diligence to seek out a reputable licensed therapist. Thank you in advance for being awesome, curious, brave, and for taking responsibility for yourSelf.
We do not address symptoms directly, nor do we diagnose or treat physical conditions. The energy healing modalities of Absolute Balanced Mastery, Bioenergy Balancing, Reiki, Pranic Healing, Breathwork modalities, acupressure, energy work, energy healing, energy medicine, emotional-energetic healing, transurfing reality, kinesiology/muscle testing and meridian work~~gives your body's natural intelligence a voice that guides the dissolving and de-Activating of unresolved emotions/feelings, thoughts/beliefs, and traumas of the past. These alternative and complementary healing modalities are NOT substitutes for professional medical and psychological care.
If you are already a graduate you may purchase a single session 75-minute tune-up, cost $300