Robert Han Bishop, Ph.D. Review
Robert Han Bishop, Director of the Institute for Advancement of Humanity

“Marja West's F’d Wide Open is a brilliant and inspiring handbook for Awakening into a Heart-Based New Humanity and the Truth of Who We Really Are. Marja willingly bares her soul in the telling of a personal journey that has led her to becoming the powerful healer and teacher she is today. Hat's off to a great lady calling each of us to our own Awakening and Divine Lovemaking.
—Robert Han Bishop, Ph.D, Director, Institute for Advancement of Humanity and Producer/Host, Transforming Reality Talk Show
“This book is sure to inspire a genuine awakening that draws us closer into our own Divine Essence—rather than the programming of the old Patriarchal system and the New Age deceptions.
- Laura M. Eisenhower,
cosmic historian & whistleblower
Marja West speaks of a truth so bright, so illuminating that your soul will feel the very essence of itself being heard."
~Tara Marino, Elegant Femme

“In her new book, Marja West reminds us that there's nowhere to get to, that every moment is an expression of The Divine within and without."
~ Brick Thornton, Yoga & Fitness Instructor