No one enjoys a Matrix mind fuck. I certainly don't. It's irritating, exhausting, and mostly unnecessary because the bottom line is: If you don't own your attention and NOT at the helm of your thoughts and awareness, your life is NOT your own: Your life belongs to the Matrix and the powers-that-wanna-be and all their Divide & Conquer bullshit.
Today, I share with you my best strategy to end any mind fuck by unpacking those pesky whirling twirling thoughts that can keep up tethered to a night of tossing and turning, instead of sleeping soundly.
Introducing: Integrating the Polarity of Opposites Sqaures Journalling & Burning Exercise.
The power of these exercises are second to none in unpacking the incessant *Monkey Mind* aka Everyone/Everything Other than Me chatter.
The Fourth Hermetic Natural Law Principle of Polarity states that: “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”
As in the above argument, if the frequency of heat were increased, it would eventually appear cold. We’ve all experienced cold tap water initially, then setting the lever to hot, and the water heats up to scalding in a few moments.
Since the same is true of emotions (Love / Hate being a scale, Fear / Courage, and so on) and since thoughts and feelings exist on their own respective scales, we can move from the feeling of hate to love or from fear to courage by increasing the vibration of the emotion or thought.
It seems easier said than done at first, but knowing this to be a possibility should propel you into a state of joy!
All our negative thoughts and emotions can be transmuted into higher-vibratory pairs.
Often such polarities can use much emotional-mental energy—a ping-pong match inside our heads that can go overboard.
You can utilise this exercise on any topic. The point of the exercise is to unpack and excavate all the polarised possibilities/thoughts/outcomes onto the page. In writing--regardless of labelling them positive or negative/good or bad--you will discover something interesting. This exercise illustrates the Totality of Human Experience as a thought moves from your Mind, activating your writing and dumping it through your hand via pen/pencil onto a page, releasing it from your Mind.
Presence, aka *Being Present* requires us not to avoid or run away from anything--pleasant or unpleasant; to hold that moment--even in discomfort and allow the next moment to arise. Conscious Breathing is a powerful tool, as is meditation, in learning to practice your Superpower of Focus to stay Present even amidst shit we don’t like.
Being Present is also about meeting each moment Fresh and New with Awareness--even if you’ve previously met or experienced something repeatedly, you’re experiencing it all for the first time, Now.
General directions:
Using one page of paper per Heading, write down the title of each Heading on the top of the sheet.
Under each Heading, write down everything that comes to Mind and write, write, write until you feel complete-- do not censor or second guess or be concerned with grammar. Let it flow in one word or phrase--the stream-of-consciousness style... you may fill a page or two... allow whatever unfolds.
Move on to the next Heading and repeat the same process.
Once you’ve completed all the Squares (there are 4 Headings for each Square), with your right hand on your heart and left hand on your belly, recite this Blessing/Prayer asking for the integration of all that you’ve written:
Mother, Father, God-Goddess-All-That-Is, I recognise these polarised states in my Mind and automated-Matrix mind control patterning. I offer them up and ask that they be merged into a place of oneness and clarity – so that I may see who I am more clearly and live my highest Truth. I ask this with great appreciation, knowing that my prayer has already been answered. ~ And so it is.

Here are some sample Polarity of Opposites to play with. Feel free to make up your own.
Have fun and play with this with a sense of curiosity. Remember to BURN or shred your exercises once you feel complete. This step purges the triggers and energies, further freeing you from their influence.
Square #1
Heading 1: Desire to be strong.
Heading 2: Fear of being strong.
Heading 3: Desire to Not be strong.
Heading 4: Fear of Not being strong
Square #2
Heading 1: Desire to be weak.
Heading 2: Fear of being weak.
Heading 3: Desire to Not be weak.
Heading 4: Fear of Not being weak.
Square #3
Heading 1: Desire to put myself first.
Heading 2: Fear of putting myself first.
Heading 3: Desire to Not put myself first.
Heading 4: Fear of Not putting myself first.
Square #4
Heading 1: Desire to focus on my needs.
Heading 2: Fear of focusing on my needs.
Heading 3: Desire to Not focus on my needs.
Heading 4: Fear of Not focusing on my needs.
Square #5
Heading 1: Desire to be happy.
Heading 2: Fear of being happy.
Heading 3: Desire to NOT be happy.
Heading 4: Fear of Not being happy.
Square #6
Heading 1: Desire to know what I want in a love relationship.
Heading 2: Fear of knowing what I want in a love relationship.
Heading 3: Desire to Not know what I want in a love relationship.
Heading 4: Fear of Not knowing what I want in a love relationship.
Square #7
Heading 1: Desire to be alone.
Heading 2: Fear of being alone.
Heading 3: Desire to Not be alone.
Heading 4: Fear of Not being alone.
Square #8
Heading 1: Desire to be Sovereign.
Heading 2: Fear of being Sovereign.
Heading 3: Desire to Not be Sovereign.
Heading 4: Fear of Not being Sovereign.
Square #9
Heading 1: Desire to Exit The Matrix.
Heading 2: Fear of Exiting The Matrix.
Heading 3: Desire to Not Exit The Matrix.
Heading 4: Fear of Not Exiting The Matrix.
Square #10
Heading 1: Desire to know Truth.
Heading 2: Fear of knowing Truth.
Heading 3: Desire to NOT know Truth.
Heading 4: Fear of NOT knowing Truth.
That's my speech, lovebugs!