By: Marja West & Leumas

Escaped Mind Control? Broke the bonds of an oppressor? You CAN live your beautiful life on a daily basis while witnessing the sources of your Pain and Pleasure! Bringing Awareness to the Masses is your Divine Birthright. Let's chat about it!
My Conversation with Luemas and Chant It Down
Luemas and his podcast show Chant It Down are based in beautiful Honolulu, Hawaii—a place of my youth where as a very tender and innocent teenager—I made a lasting impression at the Naval Base visiting my favourite cousin who was stationed there 😊 ha ha…
Luemas is not just an awesome interviewer and podcaster—outing the veiled and occulted and all sorts of esoteric topics, he’s also a dad and an up and coming artist/rapper… so do check out the links to his website, check out his extensive archives and the link to the entirety of our podcast below…
We talked about engaging and embodying our Superpower of Focus, so that we can be aware enough and curious enough to asking ourselves the deep questions, “What works for me?” “What lights me up??” “What relationships light me up?” "How do I live a magical Life?"
We also talked about Weaponised Woundology and Victimsation… and keeping our Third Eyes clear in order to fully activate and embody our Superpowers of Intuition and Imagination… the KEYs to our freedom and UNSLAVEMENT.
I had a superb time talking with Luemas… so…
Give Luemas some love and sugar smacks. Pay it Forward and please share with your friends, family, and community… XOXO
Emerging from Captivity, Podcast with Luemas from Chant it Down Radio & Marja West
Want to listen to this article and conversation instead? See the audio format below: